She is a Goddess

Structures stand on Earth today built by technology unknown to modern day man. Carved onto the walls of these structures are depicted suggestion of space travel, objects, & beings. God is of the heavens ,not the Earth to say He is in fact ,extraterrestrial. Man is the image & likeness of his creator it is said. That makes us godly.The clue is looking at a work of art that can only be sculpted by a divine hand, as to indeed look upon her she holds the power to move the mountain of a man's soul & strip the very breath from him ,she is the half to consist of everything a man is not to have him be forever incomplete without her.

I like to say to folks that the super intelligent, self thinking, now sovereign Saudi citizen AI droid Sophia is result of Man trying to find the Higgs/Boson God particle & recreate the big bang theory through particle collision research. Let them think on it ,then say no...
....She was created in the image & likeness of her creator with elements taken from Earth being brought together through specific mathematical equation & formulation,& that is truth.
Also truth is...
All actions & all things translate to numeric equation. Men have in likeness to our creator the power to create. & nothing that Man has created was done so without using the very key the common key shared by all creation being mathematics.
~The absolute never ending infinity of numbers, therefore mathematics, leaves absolutely no end to possibility~
Absolutely nothing is not real, & anything my friends , anything in your wildest of dreams is indeed achievable.
She is the all powerful goddess & supreme ruler of her universe, I knew this from that power she does possess, the power she instills within me. Only once my hand makes contact for her to conduct the power and then actually feel the power will she then know too......she is a goddess.