

True Love

True love is finding the perfect specimen of your favorite flower...& Not picking it but allowing it to remain the natural life it was meant to be, enjoy the sensations it offers ,let it live.Picking it to keep as ones own begins that moment ,the inevitable process of slowly wilting & dying in captivity.Love is a free spirit not meant to be caged or chained. It carries with it the flame of attraction that also must run with the wind to burn bright & strong.In the end, inevitably &…


The Roller Coaster

Not much amusing about it. As usual the worst part for me is in the days that swirl in the wake & aftermath of changing course to leave more fragments of myself behind with yet another to whom those fragments are attached forever. The days going to bed weary from the stresses of the anxiety & anguish, enlightenment & let down that replay like music to add attraction to the roller coaster on which my emotions ride in added burden of another already hand tying & distracting workday…


She is a Goddess

Structures stand on Earth today built by technology unknown to modern day man. Carved onto the walls of these structures are depicted suggestion of space travel, objects, & beings. God is of the heavens ,not the Earth to say He is in fact ,extraterrestrial. Man is the image & likeness of his creator it is said. That makes us godly.The clue is looking at a work of art that can only be sculpted by a divine hand, as to indeed look upon her she holds the power to move the mountain of a man&#…


A Lover is a Fighter

For a man to say he is a lover, not a fighter is for him to say he is neither. I am a lover therefore inevitable is it that I am as well a fighter. A man does not love what for he will not fight, a man will not fight for what he does not love. To claim love for something for which he does not fight exposes the void in which honor would be contained. Where there is honor there is resolve, from resolve resonates a statement of declaration that roots in the constitution that every man writes for hi…

Beholder of the Eye

Beholder of the Eye

Ever suddenly see someone's face for the first time ,an optic navigation to give you a jolt, sparking reaction from emotion & imagination? A look into the windows of a soul to have you battling ,every end of every sense like a tuning fork, rattling? Reeling, thoughts springing to life in a flickering garble of energy surge, redline peak of feeling? Hushed. drawn out moments of suspense, until suddenly comes the striking of a heavy note simultaneous with the scary part so as to intensify…


Art of Natural Attraction

What truly makes true art truly priceless is the jolting rattle of response from emotion & imagination upon sight of it. People & faces affect us the same. How they affect us is beyond our control...but not beyond observation. I have learned that when the sight of her has the power to trigger that pulse pounding ,breathtaking downhill zoom feeling as butterflies flutter in, great will be the power of the explosive burst of energy brought on by + & - coming into contact with 1 & o…